Mission Matters Podcast: Flexible, Sustainable and Affordable Consulting -

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Recently, our own Margo Crawford sat down with Adam Torres of the Mission Matters Podcast to discuss the work of Business Sherpa Group and to discuss the issues on the minds of many small and medium business owners looking ahead to a year of uncertainty.

Key Takeaway

During the discussion, Adam addressed the elephant in the room: we’re entering a year that has economists painting two very different pictures. While a recession is likely, opinion is divided on how long and severe its impacts will be.

Margo’s insight here is valuable, having launched a tech company in 2008, entering a recession right as they built up. So what did she have to say to business owners as we undergo even more shifts in the future? “It really comes down to what risks you can control and manage.” Now is not the time to hide away from all sharp edges. It’s the time to think critically, inviting people in to poke holes at your strategy, encouraging different ways of thinking. Businesses that are still willing to take smart risks and move with the tide will weather the storm.


In this easy to digest, 15-minute discussion you can find some helpful advice about managing through uncertainty and can learn a little more about the work we do, listening directly to the inspiring person (true even with bias!) who founded this whole organization through the link below.

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