The Ottawa Business Journal spoke to Seema Aurora of TAG HR and our own Todd Luckasavitch about the Great Resignation happening in the United States and its implications for Canada. Read a summary of their findings here.
Workforce trends around the world have shown there is an exodus from the office, with a record 4.3 million workers leaving their jobs last summer in the United States While the trend has reached Canada, it is not causing as large a shift as people had anticipated. So, what is happening domestically?
The Ottawa Business Journal wanted to investigate, seeking input from two HR experts in the capital region, Seema Aurora, president and CEO of TAG HR, and our own President, Todd Luckasavitch. Both came to the consensus that instead of a mass exodus, we’re in the era of mass realignment.
Key Findings
“People are looking at opportunities, especially for their own personal development” Todd explained, suggesting that rather than looking for new employers, employees are looking to see what their current manager can do for them. The increased focus on development is causing changes on the administrative side, with more investments in employee development and collaboration being implemented by managers.
So, Great Resignation or Great Realignment? No matter what you call it or how you view it, there is change happening in the workforce. Experts argue that what managers do next will dictate what path the workforce follows. One thing’s for certain, people are rethinking their priorities as the pandemic effects continue.
Read the article in the Ottawa Business Journal below.